SMA Central Inverters


The purpose of this plugin is to collect data from SMA Central Inverters Production series CP, CP-US, CP-JP and HE-20 Inverters.


This plugin collects from SMA Central Inverters Production series CP, CP-US, CP-JP and HE-20. It uses the Modbus TCP Specification, and collects from RS485 or IP connected inverters. Inverter data will be collected to the solar table, and will be run every 5 minutes, by default. This plugin relies on the Modbus Ardexa plugin. Please be aware you may need 1 or 2 attempts to read the data. The plugin collects the following data:

Variable                Units
Grid Freq          	Hz  						
Daily Energy       	Wh  						
Total Energy       	Wh  						
DC Voltage         	V   						
DC Current         	A   						
DC Power           	W   						
AC Current         	A   						
AC Current 1       	A   						
AC Current 2       	A   						
AC Current 3       	A   						
AC Voltage         	V   						
AC Voltage 12      	V   						
AC Voltage 23      	V   						
AC Voltage 31      	V   						
AC Power           	W   						
Insul Resist       	kOhm						
Event Number       	    						
Total Hours        	h   						
Temperature 1      	°C  						
Temperature 2      	°C  						
Reactive Power     	var 						
Apparent Power     	VA  						
Cos Phi		     							

Grid Contactor     							
Key Switch         							
Status of GFDI Relay							
Status of Current Restart Interlock			
DC Switch in Cabinet							
AC Switch-Disconnector in Cabinet				
Excitation Type of Cos Phi						
Operating Mode of Reactive Power Reg			
Setpoint Excitation Type of Cos Phi			
Active Power Limitation Operating Mode			
Operating Mode of Static Voltage Stability		
Insul Resist Status   							

Action Code            						
Grid Contactor Code    						
Key Switch Code        						
Mode Code              						
Error Code             						
Status of GFDI Relay Code						
Status of Current Restart Interlock Code		
DC Switch in Cabinet Code						
AC Switch-Disconnector in Cabinet Code			
Excitation Type of Cos Phi Code				
Operating Mode of Reactive Power Reg Code		
Setpoint Excitation Type of Cos Phi Code		
Active Power Limitation Operating Mode Code	
Operating Mode of Static Voltage Stability Code
Status Code             						
Insul Resist Status Code   					

There are two dict files, one for the Event Number translation (event.dict), and one that contains the translation for all the rest of the statuses (mode.dict).

The following is the full dict file for the "Event" variable found in dict/event.dict. Each of these error codes correspond to a Corrective Measure, which can be found on Pages 80-86 of the SMA Sunny Central Operating Manual (

-1 : 
0 : Ok
103 : Line voltage is too high. Overvoltage detected by redundant monitoring.
104 : Line voltage is too high. Overvoltage detected by standard monitoring.
203 : Line voltage is too low. Undervoltage detected by redundant monitoring.
204 : The line voltage is too low. Undervoltage detected by standard monitoring.
205 : A line conductor of the electricity grid has failed.
502 : Power frequency is too low. Power frequency fault detected by standard monitoring.
503 : Power frequency is too high. Power frequency fault detected by standard monitoring.
504 : Power frequency is too low. Power frequency fault detected by redundant monitoring.
505 : Power frequency is too high. Power frequency fault detected by redundant monitoring.
506 : The inverter has detected a stand-alone grid and disconnected from the electricity grid.
801 : One line conductor of the utility grid has failed.
802 : One line conductor of the utility grid has failed.
1301 : Left rotating magnetic field is connected.
1500 : The grid engagement conditions are not achieved again after a grid error.

3403 : The voltage of the PV generator is too high.
3404 : Open-circuit voltage is too high. Fault detected by standard monitoring.
3406 : The active power is too high due to the electrical voltage of the PV generator being too high.
3501 : The insulation monitoring device has measured an excessively low insulation resistance. For the options "GFDI and insulation monitoring device" and "Advanced Remote GFDI and insulation monitoring device", the insulation monitoring device is only active when the GFDI or the Advanced Remote GFDI is open.
3502 : The GFDI has tripped.
3504 : The insulation monitoring device has detected an insulation error.
3507 : A ground fault has occurred on the ungrounded pole of the PV array.
3510 : The inverter has found an insulation error on the inverter bridge.
3511 : The Advanced Remote GFDI has detected a temporary ground fault.
3512 : The Advanced Remote GFDI has detected a permanent ground fault.
3517 : Insulation measuring will be performed.
3601 : Leakage current to ground has occurred in the PV array or the threshold defined in parameter RisoCtlWarn has been reached.
3803 : The DC current of the PV array is too high.
4003 : Reverse currents detected in the PV array or DC connection polarity is reversed.

6002 : Calibration data cannot be loaded.
6113 : Data block cannot be loaded from the EEPROM or the channel list has changed (e.g. after a firmware update)
6115 : Hardware limiting values on the D/A converters cannot be set.
6116 : Real-time clock is not initialized.
6117 : Device address not recognized.
6119 : The data structure for the exchange between the operation control unit and the digital signal processor is invalid.
6120 : Waiting for an answer from the OCU
6121 : Waiting for an answer from the DSP
6122 : Ten internal monitoring errors have occurred in succession.
6128 : General error
6404 : Overcurrent on the L1, L2 or L3 line conductors.
6405 : Overvoltage in the DC link.
6410 : 24 V voltage supply is invalid.
6417 : 15 V voltage supply is invalid.
6418 : Overtemperature on the inverter bridge.
6422 : The inverter bridge is in an undefined state.
6423 : Overtemperature detected in the switch cabinet.
6425 : Synchronization error with the utility grid.
6427 : Sensor error of the DC voltage measurement.
6440 : Hermetic protection of the transformer no longer in place.
6441 : Sensor error occurred during measurement of the DC voltage.
6443 : An unspecified error has occurred in the digital signal processor.
6447 : Self-test in the inverter bridge failed.
6448 : Insulation monitoring delivers non-permitted values.
6451 : Measured AC voltage from the inverter is less than the voltage from the utility grid
6452 : Measured AC voltage from the utility grid is less than the voltage from the inverter
6453 : AC voltage in the grid limits monitor is mismatched
6454 : AC current is mismatched 
6455 : AC voltage is mismatched 
6456 : DC link precharging switch is faulty 
6457 : Capacitor self-test has failed
6461 : The insulation monitoring device has not adopted the threshold
6501 : Internal temperature in the inverter is too high.
6502 : The temperature of the inverter bridge is too high.
6508 : The outside temperature is too high.
6605 : Fast stop has tripped. 30 s 1 min
7001 : Cable break or short circuit at the inverter temperature sensor.
7002 : Cable break or short circuit at the inverter temperature sensor.
7006 : Cable break or short circuit at the inverter temperature sensor.
7501 : Internal fan is faulty.
7502 : Internal fan is faulty.
7503 : Stack fan is faulty.
7507 : Motor-protective circuit-breaker of the fan has tripped.
7601 : Internal inverter error.
7602 : An internal communication error has occurred.
7605 : An internal communication error has occurred.
7704 : Contactor error at the DC disconnection point.
7706 : Error at the digital input of the AC disconnection point
7707 : Contactor error at the AC disconnection point.
7708 : No Advanced Remote GFDI response.
7709 : 90% of the switch cycles of the integrated DC Switch reached.
7710 : 100% of the switch cycles of the integrated DC Switch reached.
7714 : Maximum GFDI switch cycles reached.
7801 : Surge arrester is faulty.
7901 : An inverse current has occurred at the PV array.
8701 : External active power setpoints are less than 2 mA and therefore invalid. The last valid value is used or Pmax is used after the day has changed. Once the valid setpoints are available again, they are used.
8702 : There are several digital power setpoints present.
8703 : External displacement power factor cos φ is invalid.
8704 : External active and reactive power setpoints are invalid.
9000 : Power electronics self-test is being carried out. This message disappears once the self-test has been run.
9008 : Doors were opened during operation.
9009 : The fast stop was tripped manually.
9013 : This relates to grid management shutdown (see Section 3.7.6, page 39). The error is reset via a signal from the grid operator or a grid transfer point safety system signal.
9019 : Fast stop cabling is faulty.

The following is the mapping used to translate the rest of the status codes, found in dict/mode.dict, taken from Pages 25-30 of the SMA Sunny Central Modbus Interface Manual (

-1 : 
51 : Closed
267 : Inverter
276 : Instantaneous value
295 : MPP
303 : Off
308 : On
309 : Operation
311 : Open
336 : Contact the manufacturer
337 : Contact the installer
338 : Invalid
381 : Stop
455 : Warning
569 : Activated
1041 : Leading
1042 : Lagging
1069 : Reactive power/voltage characteristic curve Q(V)
1070 : Reactive power Q, direct setpoint
1071 : Reactive power const. Q (kVar)
1072 : Reactive power Q, setpoint via system control
1073 : Reactive power Q(P)
1074 : cos φ, direct setpoint
1075 : cos φ, setpoint via system control
1076 : cos φ(P) characteristic curve
1077 : Active power limitation P (W)
1078 : Active power limitation P in (%) of PMAX
1079 : Active power limitation P via plant control
1387 : Reactive power Q, setpoint via analog input
1388 : Cos φ, setpoint via analog input
1389 : Reactive power/voltage characteristic curve Q(U)
1390 : Active power limitation P via analog input
1391 : Active power limitation P via digital inputs
1392 : Error
1393 : Wait for PV voltage
1394 : Wait for AC grid
1395 : DC section
1396 : AC grid
1455 : Emergency switch
1466 : Wait
1467 : Starting
1468 : MPP search
1469 : Shutdown
1470 : Disturbance
1471 : Warning/error e-mail OK
1472 : Warning/error e-mail not OK
1473 : System info e-mail OK
1474 : System info e-mail not OK
1475 : Error e-mail OK
1476 : Error e-mail not OK
1477 : Warning e-mail OK
1478 : Warning e-mail not OK
1479 : Wait after grid interruption
1480 : Wait for electricity supplier
1560 : Remote shutdown active
2383 : Manual restart


Arguments are as follows:

  • endpoint. This is either a serial device like /dev/ttyS0 or an IP or DNS like

  • bus_addresses. The bus address of the inverter(s)

  • --port. This is an optional parameter used in an Ethernet gateway, and is the TCP port used for the gateway. Default is 502

  • --attempts. This is an optional parameter, and determines how many times to times to attempt to read an inverter value. Default is 1

  • --delay. This is the delay in seconds between inverter send and receive commands, AND if attempts > 1. Fractions like 0.3 can be used. Default is 0.05

Last updated

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