Network (Cloud Devices)

Everything about networking your Ardexa Device

Ardexa Cloud Devices connect to the remote plant/sensor network using a VPN. Configuring this VPN network is undertaken via the device's [NETWORK SETTINGS] tab. MENU: > [DEVICES] > (select device) > [NETWORK SETTINGS]


To use this interface, you will need the "Control devices" permission on the target device. The information presented below is only pertinent for Cloud Devices. For a Cloud Device to connect to a VPN, the VPN credentials MUST be obtained from the administrator of the remote VPN server.

Warning: The VPN details must be obtained from the manager of the plant's network. Without these credentials there is NO WAY to connect the Cloud Device to the plant network.

Ardexa Cloud Devices support the following types of VPN connections. If you need more connections types not listed below, this may be relatively easy for Ardexa to include. Please contact the Ardexa support team.

  • OpenVPN

  • Openconnect


  • CISCO VPN Concentrator

Configuring the VPN

VPN credentials can vary greatly, even within the same type of VPN. This is very much dependent on the VPN server to which the Cloud Device will connect. The administrator of this VPN server will provide a configuration file that defines most of the parameters required to connect. However sometimes, environment variables may be required in addition to, or in lieu of, a configuration file. The figure above shows the FILES and ENVIRONMENT box that allow for entry of either or both types of credentials. When using these entry boxes please note the following general items:

The FILES entry box is used to upload VPN credentials supplied in the form of a file. Since these credentials usually contain sensitive information, Ardexa has prevented users from downloading these files. This is a design feature.

When entering an ENVIRONMENT variable, make sure the name of the variables is entered first, then select OK, then enter the actual variable (by clicking on the name of the ENVIRONMENT variable), then hit SAVE.

No matter what variables and/or files are uploaded to the FILES or ENVIRONMENT areas, no changes to the VPN connection will be made until the UPDATE VPN button is selected.

The GET LOGS button is there to help debug the connection. VPN configuration can be complex. The VPN server administrator must be able to view the logs to see if there is a credential, security and/or routing issue preventing access to the remote plant's network.

Some VPN types such as Openconnect and IPSEC will show large banner messages in red that mandate certain types of environment variables. An example is shown below. In these cases, you MUST include all the environment variables listed in these messages, and name them exactly as you see them. When these variables are included in the ENVIRONMENT areas, these messages will individually disappear.

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