USB to WIFI Converter

Some devices do not have WIFI capability built in. In the cases where a USB to WIFI converter is required, follow these steps to get connected to the network.

With Monitor

  • Connect the device to a monitor and boot up the device. Ensure the USB to WIFI converter is plugged into a USB port.

  • Log in using the standard Ardexa username and password (if you do not have access, contact Ardexa).

  • Type the following command:

sudo wifi-menu
  • Select the WIFI network you wish to connect to.

  • When naming, ensure to remove the SSID, so the name is only the interface name. Select "OK".

  • An "Overwrite" error will appear, select "OK".

  • You should now be connected to the WIFI. To check, type the following command:

ip a


  • If no HDMI or monitor is available, connect the device via Ethernet and determine the IP address using the following command through the Ardexa Remote Shell:

ufw allow ssh
  • Select the WIFI network you wish to connect to.

  • When naming, ensure to remove the SSID, so the name is only the interface name. Select "OK".

  • An "Overwrite" error will appear, select "OK".

  • You should now be connected to the WIFI. To check, type the following command:

ip a

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