Search Analysis

Using search analysis

Using [SEARCHES] > [ANALYSIS], the Ardexa Web App provides you a visualisation tool to plot your statistical results generated from your searches.

Building your Analysis Plot

The following will step you through the process of building an analysis plot.

Note: Analysis can only be built against numerical data type fields.

Select the [ANALYSIS] tab and enable analysis via Enable checkbox. This allows you to begin building your analysis plot.

We have to generate some search results for our analysis, so we run a search to get some results. All the search input parameters will be used to generate the data that the Analysis plot will be built from.

NOTE: Search Input Parameters applied to your Analysis

Remember: all the parameters you use in the underlying search will be applied to the Analysis you are building, eg:

  • table - the selected data source.

  • Common timeframe - eg: last week

  • Common timeframe - eg: custom

    • Start and End date times.

  • filters

Select your Analysis Output Parameters

Select the [Output] to expand the Analysis output parameters if they are hidden. This is where you will define what the Analysis chart will draw and how it will be display.


  • Select a numerical field type from the drop-down list.

  • If you don't see an expected field it will likely mean the field has not be defined correctly in your Ardexa device's metadata.

Per device

  • This checkbox allows you to limit an analysis to be applied per device where a data set is built from more than one source.


  • Typically all data is captured against date and time.


  • day or hour - the finer the granularity of data being used in the evaluation will affect app responsiveness. day - faster, hour - slower.


  • Select the statistical formula you would like to apply over your search results.

Customization Settings

The [Customization settings] are further parameters provided to help you sharpen your Analysis plot. Further descriptions on the available options are provided under STATS here.

Force Minimum and Maximum chart limits.

  • Out of the box, the VIZ will automatically chart your data and provide you a y-axis that best suits your data for the graph. However, you may want to chart based on fixed periods, for example in units of 10s, in which case you would select a Minimum of 0 and a Maximum of 100 .

Chart scrollbar

  • An instant on/off toggle provides you the means of condensing or expanding the graphed period of your search results. For example, say you see an interesting pattern in a period of you graphed search data, using the toggle you can can zoom-in and just focus on that period.

Fill Alpha

Dash Length

Run the ANALYSIS Charting

Last updated