Ardexa Remote
Ardexa Remote is a tool that allows a user of Ardexa to gain access to TCP services at the remote plant, where the Ardexa edge device controls these connections. This functionality is similar to having a VPN connection to the plant. Unlike these VPN connections however, the Ardexa user can control (via the cloud) who can execute a remote connection, and be assured that all successful and failed connection attempts are recorded in the immutable Ardexa audit trail. An Ardexa Remote client is required to be installed on the local desktop from which access is required. This client is available as Windows, Mac and Linux packages.
Ardexa Remote offers 2 types of access: a Tunnel access or a VPN access, from the client software. In computing, a "tunnel" is where a remote service or computer, that would otherwise not be accessible, is made available to a local network. Whereas a "VPN" allows 2 remote networks to be connected together These are descibed below.
Using the "Tunnel" via Ardexa Remote
The Tunnel is a "port-to-port" connection, meaning that the two networks are never directly connected, therefore, there is little chance of a virus slipping into your secure network. Any TCP-based protocol can be tunnelled and all remote access can be restricted by user, port and/or remote host (IP address). Examples of supported protocols include:
HTTP (web)
HTTPS (secure web)
RDP (Windows Remote Desktop)
Modbus TCP
The Tunnel allows a user to access a single port on the remote plant. This type of access is available either via a command line interface or the Ardexa Remote desktop software. The Ardexa cloud provides the command to execute Tunnel access, via the following tab: MENU:
> (select device)
Using the "VPN" via Ardexa Remote
Most people are familiar with is the Virtual Private Network or VPN. This allows you to connect from your workplace network into another remote network via a secure connection. In these cases, the local and remote networks are connected together. A VPN is not always required and in fact may provide too much access to the remote network creating a security risk. However, VPN type access is also available via Ardexa Remote, if required.
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