On-site checks

These checks require an on-site visit by a technician in coordination with the Ardexa Support Team.

Make sure to coordinate with the Ardexa Support team when planning on-site interventions to ensure that remote support will be available if needed.

Required equipment to bring for an on-site visit:

  • Ardexa device spare unit pre-configured with the latest known IP settings

  • Mobile phone with internet data connection

  • USB cable for mobile tethering. Make sure it allows for data transmission and not charge only

1. Initial hardware checks

  1. Is the device powered?

  2. Is the device under investigation in the Ardexa platform the same as the one on-site? The device brought to site may not be the correct one. Confirm 5-digit number with Ardexa. In case of mismatch, the device can be reconfigured.

  3. Reboot the device. Execute a "hard reset" (complete power off, wait and power on sequence) instead of a conventional reboot.

2. Check for hardware malfunction

  1. Is the Power LED on when connected to the power supply?

  2. Are there any status LEDs showing abnormal behavior? i.e. the Power LED should be green but it's blinking orange, or HDD LED re off and not blinking. Note this LEDs color codes and patterns may vary depending on the hardware make and model version.

  3. Are there any LEDs on the RJ45 ethernet connectors on or blinking? If not, this could indicate there is no network connection. Check cabling is connected and in good condition and network settings are correct. Ensure the Ardexa device is connected to the right network.

  4. Connect the device to the internet via USB tethering. Is the device recognized by the phone? If not, it is safe to assume there is a hardware malfunction and the device must be replaced. To connect a device through USB tethering follow the steps below.

    1. Power off the Ardexa device.

    2. Disconnect it from the local network by removing the ethernet cable.

    3. Connect the Ardexa device to the mobile phone using the UBS cable.

    4. Power on the Ardexa device.

    5. Enable USB tethering in the mobile phone. Make sure to use 4G data connection and not the site’s Wi-Fi.

      1. Android: navigate to Settings > Hotspot > USB tethering. Toggle the option. If it is not available, the mobile phone has not recognized the Ardexa Device yet.

      2. iPhone: navigate to Settings > Personal hotspot or Settings > General > Network > Personal hotspot. Toggle the option.

      The process of enabling USB tethering may vary depending on your mobile phone’s OS manufacturer and version.

    6. Wait for 5-10 minutes for the device to boot up and connect to the UBS tethering. Check if the Ardexa device has been recognized by the mobile phone. If the slider to enable USB hotspot is still not available or after 5-10 minutes, it is safe to assume that there is a hardware malfunction.

    7. After the device is recognized, wait for 5-10 minutes and check if the device is now online on the Ardexa platform.

    8. If no issues were found while executing the previous checks, the Ardexa Support Team coordinating with the on-site staff will provide further instructions.

Last updated