Gantner Logger

Purpose of this plugin is to read from Gantner loggers (See:


This plugin will read data from Gantner loggers, via he user web (http) port. There must be a config file when running log. When running discover, a config file is optional. The config file defines which variables need to be collected, what names they appear on the the Ardexa cloud, units and scaling. Example file as follows:

# Ardexa Table Name,    Ardexa Source Name,     Ardexa Variable Name,   Gantner Variable Name,                  Type,               Units,      Scale
data,                   machine1,               Energy,        export,  decimal,            C,          1
data,                   machine1,               Pressure,               Meteo_WS600.rel_air_Pressure_act,       decimal,            %,          5
data,                   machine1,               String,                 TS1I1CB1.Current_01,                    integer,            ,           2
data,                   machine1,               Status,                 TS1I1CB1.Status,                        keyword,            ,
data,                   machine1,               On,                     TS1I1CB1.Switch,                        bool,               ,


  1. Anything that starts with # is a comment line, and will be ignored

  2. The Type can be either: decimal, integer, bool, keyword

  3. The Gantner Variable Name name MUST be as it appears in the logger, when doing a discovery

  4. Units and Scale can be empty

You can do a discover without a configuration file. In this case, all the variables are displayed. along with the current value. If you have a configuration file when running discover, then the variables of interest are displayed, and everything else is ignored. ALWAYS run discover first to see which variables are available, before developing the config file. Please take note of the first line returned from the logger, which should be something like: Data retrieved from Gantner logger via the CSV method: The methods to query the Gantner logger are either CSV method or JSON method. You will need to note this when logging data. See Arguments below.


  • IP Address = ..something like:

  • {Configuration File full path} groups the items of interest, and is required for logging data

  • Optional: --extraction_method is either csvmethod or jsonmethod. This means that data is derived from the logger either by downloading the CSV file or getting JSON data from a specific URL.

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