View entities
(In progress) Release: TBD
Last updated
(In progress) Release: TBD
Last updated
Access the entities page by clicking the entities icons on the left hand side of the Ardexa App.
Navigate through the entire entity tree on the left hand side of the page.
On the right hand side, view the Summary details of all the entities.
Labels with their respective entity count
Solar labels if solar reporting addon has been added to the workgroup
Labels that are tagged as favorites
Toggle between showing all labels and showing the first 10 labels with entity count > 0
Fuzzy filter for labels
First 10 labels or all labels with entity count > 0
Note: Labels that are tagged as hidden will not be displayed in the summary page.
Favorites and hidden labels can be tagged / set in Admin > Entities > Labels.
Select an entity to view the details
Entity name and label/s
Top right:
Dashboard icon to redirect to the respective dashboard/s
Edit button for users that has entity edit access in the workgroup
Entity ID with a copy button
Device name referenced to the entity
Toggle between Satellite and Map image views
Tables, fields, sources, energy, metadata and static image added to the entity