TMEIC Solar Ware Ninja Inverters


The purpose of this plugin is to collect data from TMEIC Solar Ware Ninja Inverters.


This plugin reads the data from TMEIC Solar Ware Ninja Inverters via Ethernet TCP. This plugin relies on the Modbus Ardexa plugin, and reads from the following inverter models:


It uses the Modbus Specification, and collects from IP connected inverters, using TCP protocol. It will be run every 5 minutes, by default. Inverter data will be collected to the solar table. The inverter will be interrogated for the following data.

The following fields will be collected from the general config file TMEIC.txt.

Variable                					Units
Data Status	
Alarm Flag	
Status 1	
Status 3_0	
Status 3_1	
Status 3_2	
Status 3_3	
Status 3_4	
Status 3_5	
Status 3_6	
Status 3_7	
Total Energy   								Wh 
Q Command or Power Factor Command Enable           
Q Command or Power Factor Command                  
AC Power                       				W  
AC Reactive Power              				VAr
Cos Phi                       				        
Frequency                      				Hz 
AC Voltage 12  	            				V  
AC Voltage 23   	            			V  
AC Voltage 31       	        			V  
AC Current 1           	    				A  
AC Current 2               					A  
AC Current 3               					A  
DC Power          	        				W  
DC Voltage          	        			V  
DC Current          	        			A  
DC Voltage PE          	    				V  
DC Voltage EN          	    				V  
Ambient Temperature            				°C 
Daily Energy                   				Wh 
AC Power Limitation Enabled    				   
AC Power Setpoint              				W  
DC Current 1          	        			A  
DC Current 2          	        			A  
DC Current 3          	        			A  
DC Current 4          	        			A  
DC Current 5          	        			A  
DC Current 6          	        			A  
DC Current 7          	        			A  
DC Current 8          	        			A  
DC Voltage PC          	    				V  
DC Voltage CN          	    				V  


Arguments are as follows:

  • endpoint. This is either a serial device like /dev/ttyS0 or an IP or DNS like

  • bus_addresses. An RS485 address in the range 2-63. This can be a hyphenated list like 3-10 or a list like 2,5,7,9

  • --port. This is an optional parameter used in an Ethernet gateway, and is the TCP port used for the gateway. Default is 502

  • --attempts. This is an optional parameter, and determines how many times to times to attempt to read an inverter value. Default is 1

  • --delay. This is the delay in seconds between inverter send and receive commands, AND if attempts > 1. Fractions like 0.3 can be used. Default is 0.05

Last updated