Delta Inverters

Connecting Delta RPI M30/M50 Inverters


Delta Inverter data is collected using the Sunspec Plugin

1. Ensure you have read a copy of the manufacturer operating and safety manual. The latest copy may be obtained from the manufacturer website Delta Document Library (website)

Please review document “Delta RPI M50 Installation and Operation Manual” which can also be found here. If you are using a different inverter type, then obtain the correct Operating Manual or contact Ardexa.

2. Refer to “Delta RPI M50 Installation and Operation Manual” document page 32. If you are using a different inverter type, then obtain the correct Operating Manual or contact Ardexa.

3. Connect each inverter using D+/D-/GND RS485 as per the installation manual. Then connect the RS485 line to the local device. When connecting to the local device; connect the “D+” cable to the “485 +” and the “D-” to the “485 -” and “GND” to ground. Just 3 wires.

4. Terminate the last Delta inverter in the chain by switching switch S2 (Terminating Resistor) inside the inverter to ON. The switch is located on the communication board and is shown on Page 45 of the Reference.

5. Set the RS485 address in the inverter (see inverter documentation). But make sure all inverters are set to RS485 unique addresses. 6. If Ardexa is completing your plugin configuration, please don't forget to send:

a. Clear photographs of both ends of the RS485 cable termination (to the first inverter)

b. The number and models of connected inverters

c. The unique RS485 or IP addresses of the inverters

d. The name of the site.

Last updated