Computer Hardware

Device hardware

Ardexa does not manufacture any hardware products. All hardware products listed disclose specifications and data sheets for each item, as provided by each manufacturer.

NOTE: Engineers responsible for any implementations must understand the manufacturer safety and operational instructions. This is the explicit responsibility of the engineer responsible for each and every implementation.

Ardexa engineers or representatives are not responsible for selecting, installing or maintaining these hardware components.

What resources does the agent need to run? What CPU, memory or other capacities do you need? The Ardexa agent uses very little resources. For example, on a popular Raspberry Pi 3, the Ardexa agent is a 4MB binary file, that uses about 0.5% of memory and about 0.1% of CPU when running under “normal” load conditions (meaning sending less than 1 event per second).

In industrial environments, Ardexa has used some of the the Advantech range of industrial computers such as these:

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