The ArdexaLinux Image
Our guides to help you manage and administer ArdexaLinux
The ArdexaLinux is a debian based Linux image produced by Ardexa. It contains features that support remote Internet of Things (IoT) installations. ArdexaLinux provides a number of benefits designed to provide your installation of Ardexa Devices as seamless, stable and ease-of-use experience as possible. We recommend it be used for the following advantages:
The default network manager is updated for easier configuration
It will automatically connect, and remain connected to, any DHCP enabled Ethernet network.
It will automatically connect to the ArdexaNet WIFI dongle, if available.
It will allow connection to the Internet via mobile phone USB tethering.
It will allow all network settings to be configured via the cloud.
Includes tools to keep the Ardexa Agent alive.
Includes tools to keep the device alive, eg. watchdog
Inbuilt firewall enabled (UFW)
Pre-installed with Discovery Tools
Tools for network management, usb tethering, usb ethernet and 4g modem.
Black box recorder; tracks network availability, DNS and gateway, and many other parameters
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