RPI Current Transformers

This plugin is used to collect data from the RPI CT Current Transformers.


This plugin is used to collect data from the RPI CT Current Transformers. See: http://lechacal.com/wiki/index.php/RPICT7V1_v2.0. Data will be logged to the meter table. This script cannot be run at intervals of less than 10 seconds due to the slow response of the RPICT device. Data collected includes:

Variable    Units
Node ID     
Power 1     W
Power 2     W
Power 3     W
Power 4     W
Power 5     W
Power 6     W
Power 7     W
Current 1   A
Current 2   A
Current 3   A
Current 4   A
Current 5   A
Current 6   A
Current 7   A
RMS Voltage V


Arguments are as follows:

  • endpoint. This is a serial device like /dev/ttyS0

  • --attempts. This is an optional parameter, and determines how many times to times to attempt to read an inverter value. Default is 3

  • --delay. This is the delay in seconds between inverter send and receive commands, AND if attempts > 1. Fractions like 0.3 can be used. Default is 0.1

Last updated